Senin, 18 April 2016

Conditional sentences. “If” clause: verb in past tense, main clause: verb in present tens

Conditional sentences that contain an “if” clause in the past and end with the main clause in the present are generally expressing imaginative or hypothetical conditions. In these conditional sentences, the past perfect is used to refer to a past event. As a refresher, the past perfect expresses the idea that something occurred before in another action. These sentences can also show the reader that something happened before a specific time in the past. Therefore, the form of the unreal conditional sentence in this situation is as follows:
If + past perfect, would + have + past participle
Consider the following sentence
If I had had time, I would have cleaned the house.
The speaker in this sentence is informing their audience that they did not have time to clean the house.

Rabu, 13 April 2016

Countable & Uncountable nouns

  1. Pengertian Countable Noun.
    Kata benda yang dapat dihitung adalah benda yang dapat dihitung dengan mudah. Contoh: book (buku). Kita bisa mengatakan 1 buku, 2 buku dst. Berikut beberapa contoh countable nouns:
    dog, cat, animal, man, person
    bottle, box, liter
    coin, note, dollar
    cup, plate, fork
    table, chair, suitcase, bag
·         Rumus Penggunaan Countable Noun.
a). Countable nouns bisa dalam bentuk singular (single/satu) or plural (jamak (lebih dari satu)):
Untuk menunjukkan bahwa benda lebih dari satu cukup menambahkan huruf “S” di belakangnya:
My dog is playing.
My dogs are hungry.
b). Kita juga bisa menambahkan indefinite article (penanda benda yang tidak jelas/umum) a/an di depannya:
A dog is an animal.
c). Ketika countable noun adalah singular, kita harus menambahkan a/the/my/this:
I want an orange. (bukan I want orange.)
Where is my bottle? (bukan Where is bottle?)
d). Tapi jika jamak/lebih dari satu, kita bisa menggunakannya tanpa article (penanda):
I like oranges.
Bottles can break.
e). Kita juga bisa menambahkan some dan any (beberapa) dengan countable nouns:
I’ve got some dollars.
Have you got any pens?
f). Kita bisa juga menggunakan kata a few (beberapa) dan many (banyak):
I’ve got a few dollars.
I haven’t got many pens.
2.      Pengertian Uncountable Noun.
adalah kata benda yang tidak bisa dihitung dengan sendirinya, harus dengan alat bantu seperti liter, bottle, dsb. Kita tidak tidak dapat membaginya menjadi beberapa bagian. Contoh: kata “milk/susu”. Kita bisa menghitungnya dengan alat bantu yaitu liter atau botol, contoh: “bottles of milk” or “litres of milk”, Tapi kita tidak bisa menghitung “milk” sendiri. Berikut contoh uncountable nouns:
music, art, love, happiness
advice, information, news
furniture, luggage, rice, sugar, butter, water
money, currency, dust, sand, money
air, anger, art, beer, blood, coffee
cash, courage, dirt
·         Rumus Penggunaan Uncountable Noun.
a). Kita harus memperlakukan uncountable nouns sebagai kata benda tunggal. Jadi kalau diikuti kata kerja, maka kata kerjanya harus berbentuk singular verb. Contoh:
This news is very important.
Your luggage looks heavy.
b). Kita juga tidak bisa menggunakan indefinite article a/an dengan uncountable nouns. kita tidak boleh mengatakan “an information” or “a music”. Tetapi kita bisa mengatakan “a something of“:
a piece of news
a bottle of water
a grain of rice
c). Kita bisa juga menggunakan some and any dengan uncountable nouns:
I’ve got some money.
Have you got any rice?
d). Kita bisa juga menggunakan a little and much dengan uncountable nouns:
I’ve got a little money.
I haven’t got much rice.

Sumber  :

Selasa, 05 April 2016


November 2015 it the first day of the first month make me start open shop onlineshop
the reason I have an e-commerce effort or that we often know as onlineshop is to look for experience in working or in having his own business later and I was so accustomed to devise its own financial reports so I used science in this effort, the stuff in my selling accecoris onlineshop mobile such as hp charger, headset, data cable, headphones, powerbank, battrey, cable protectors, holders of hp, case and others.

And then I will tell you my initial capital in this business I am starting capital was Rp. 1,000,000 only and my net income every month almost 500,000-700,000 thanks God bless you though not to 1,000,000 per month but every month mengahasilkan money 500,000 sampe 700,000 is satisfying for myself because I feel how his difficult menyari my money and so could better appreciate the money.
5 tips to build your own online business:
1. build a website/blog
2. build your online store
3. selling digital products
4. become an affiliate marketer
5. become the author of the article
that much for just my experience in selling own onlineshop