Minggu, 20 Maret 2016


Pronoun atau kata ganti adalah kata yang dapat menggantikan suatu kata benda atau frasa kata benda. Kata ganti berfungsi menghindari pengulangan kata benda atau frasa kata benda yang sama yang telah disebut sebelumnya.

1.      Personal Pronoun (kata ganti orang)
Personal pronoun adalah kata ganti yang menunjukkan pada orang atau penamaan. Kata ganti orang ini digunakan sebagai subjek dan objek. Tabel di bawah ini menyenaraikan penggunaan tersebut.
Saya, aku
Kamu, Anda, kalian
Dia (perempuan)
Dia (laki-laki)
Dia, itu, -nya
Kita, kami
Contoh kalimatnya:
  • Three days ago I met Ariel. Yesterday I met him again. [Tiga hari yang lalu saya bertemu Ariel. Kemarin saya bertemu dia lagi.]
  • My sister bought a new handphone. She loves it very much. [Saudara perempuan saya membeli sebuah handphone baru. Dia sangat menyukainya.]
  • Sule borrowed three books from the library. He must return them in two days. [Sule meminjam tiga buku dari perpustakaan. Dia harus mengembalikannya dalam dua hari.]
2. Possessive Pronoun (kata ganti milik)
Possessive pronoun adalah kata yang menunjukkan kepemilikan. Ada dua bentuk possessive pronoun yaitu dependent (ditempatkan sebelum suatu kata benda) dan independent (ditempatkan setelah suatu kata kerja). Untuk lebih jelasnya, silakan Anda lihat tabel di bawah ini.

  • This is my book. The book is mine. [Ini buku saya. Buku ini punya saya]
  • This house is theirs. [Rumah ini milik mereka.]
  • This is your pencil and those are hers. [Ini pensilmu dan itu punya dia.]
3. Reflexive Pronoun
Reflexive pronoun adalah kata ganti yang menunjuk kegiatan untuk pelaku sendiri dalam kalimat bersangkutan, atau memberi penekanan pada unsur subjek atau objek. Kata ganti ini mendapat akhiran –self untuk bentuk tunggal, dan akhiran –selves untuk bentuk jamak.
Perhatikan tabel di bawah ini.
Reflexive Pronoun
Saya sendiri
Kamu sendiri/kalian sendiri
Mereka sendiri
Kami sendiri
Dia sendiri (laki-laki)
Dia sendiri (perempuan)
Dia sendiri (benda atau binatang)

Contoh kalimatnya:
  • She laughed at herself. [Dia menertawakan dirinya sendiri.]
  • He himself drives to school. [Dia sendiri yang menyetir ke sekolah.]
  • I myself open the door. [Saya sendiri yang membuka pintu itu.]
  • My father cooked this meal himself. [Ayah saya memasak makanannya sendiri.]
4. Demonstrative Pronoun
Demonstrative pronoun merupakan kata ganti penunjuk berdasarkan kedekatan: dekat (this dan these) dan jauh (that dan those). Contoh kalimatnya sebagai berikut:
  • This is my mother, these are my sisters. [Ini ibu saya, ini adik-adik saya.]
  • That book is yours, those are mine. [Buku itu punyamu, itu punyaku.]
5. Interrogative Pronoun
Interrogative pronoun adalah kata-kata yang mempertanyakan orang atau benda. Ini antara lain: who, whom (siapa), whose (punya siapa), why (mengapa), which (yang mana), dan what (apa).
Contoh kalimatnya:
  • Who did you call? [Siapa yang kamu panggil?]
  • What did you order? [Apa yang kamu pesan?]
  • Why did you sell your cara? [Mengapa kamu jual mobilmu?]
6. Indefinite Pronoun
Indefinite pronoun adalah kata ganti yang mengacu pada seseorang atau sesuatu yang dianggap tidak tentu, seperti: somebody (seseorang), something, anything (sesuatu), everyone (setiap orang), dan everything (segala sesuatu).
7. Relative Pronoun
Relative pronoun adalah kata-kata yang merangkai suatu kata benda atau frasa kata benda dengan klausa penjelasnya, seperti who, whom, whose, which, dan that yang diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia menjadi kata yang.
Contoh kalimatnya:
  • I don’t like people who lose temper easily. [Saya tidak senang pada orang yang mudah naik pitam.]
  • Meong that I always feed everyday is my cat. [Meong yang saya beri makan setiap hari adalah kucing saya.]
  • This is Tukul whose brother you met last week. [Ini tukul yang kakaknya kamu temui minggu lalu.]
Sumber :

Selasa, 15 Maret 2016


Subject is a noun, pronoun, adjective, or another construction (acting as a noun or adjective) that follow verbs of being or linking verb and serves to describe or refer to the subject of the sentence.
For example : I am reading this article now.
Verbs are a class of words used to show the performance of an action (do, throw, run), existence (be), possession (have), or state (know, love) of a subject. To put it simply a verb shows what something or someone does.
For example:
1. Paul rides a bicycle.
* Here, the verb rides certainly denotes an action which Paul performs - the action of riding a bicycle.
2. We buy some books to learn English verbs.
* In this example, the action word is "to buy". It tells us that the subject "we", that is the person who performs the action of the verb is "buying some books".
Complement is a noun and verb. It also has a matching adjective, complementary. In any case, it refers to something that completes or goes well with something.
For example :
Bill bought a new car yesterday?     
(What did Bill buy?)
Lian was reading a book.      
(What was Lian reading?)
She wants to eat pizza.
(What does she want to eat?)
He saw Sarah at the restaurant last night.    
(Whom did he see at the restaurant?)
Mr. Hiddle called Lampard yesterday.
(Whom did he see at the restaurant?)
She was making a cake.        
(What was she making?)

Modifier is a word, phrase and clause in the English language that has a function as an adjective (adjective) or adverb (adverb) which explains another word or group of words.

For example :
Example of prepositional phrases :
In the morning, at university, on the table
A modifier can also be an adverb or an adverbial phrase :
Last night, hurriedly, next year, outdoors, yesterday
Example :
1.       John bought a book at the bookstore
(modifier place)
2.       Jill was swimming in the pool yesterday
(modifier of place)(modifier of time)
3.       Mery was driving car in the street
(modifier of place)

Sumber :

Minggu, 06 Maret 2016

Telling About yourself -Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

My full name is Fildzah Medina. But everyone call me with Fildzah,and zha-zha. I was born in 1th of agustust 1995. I was born in Jakarta at fatmawati hospital. My hobby is running,watching dvd,and cooking.My dream is to work in Indonesian bank. I am a first child. I have a little sister when I was in 1th grade in elementary school and she is sometime so annoyed although sometime she kind. But we often go anywhere together. She is now in junior high school three grade and she is next to senior high school this year.
My parents worked their very busy so I and sister always both at home and spend time together. we were both very good relationship even though we often fight.  My mother Fatmawati hospital  was working as a nurse and my dad had a small private employees in the company his brother.
a tradition in our family all our holidays we must always do things together. I was the family's favorite food padang satay, fried rice and soup.
And,finally the last story that is the tradition every Eid mubarak we always go to Cirebon to meet with the grandmother, grandfather and cousin. Tradition that we pray the Eid together after returning home from prayers we gather for mutual forgiveness and then we as a small child and nephew of Eid we asked for money to parents, aunt, uncle, grandmother and grandfather. then after the show we ate ketupat with curry and sambal ati. Then after dinner we got ready to go home the other brother to silahturami together.
 After a week I stay at home grandmother's time for me to go home and do activities back.